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The brand is named after my son Amari Paul who has neuro-dermitis and before he was diagnosed, I struggled receiving three doctors opinions who all said he had bad skin because of his mixed ethnicity. However, I didn't accept this, his skin was flacking and  he was crying all the time due to the dryness and irritation. I tried a range of baby products as well as oils in his bath water nothing worked. I was told that I was bathing him too much and it was my fault that he was experiencing. After consulting a forth doctor Amari was then diagnosed with dermatitis and prescribed him steroid creams to use which worked but I was never comfortable using them on a new born.


Coming from Zimbabwe myself, my skin dries up in winter and I always mixed my own skin concoctions as my husband calls them in order to stop my skin from drying. I decided to start mixing my own butters and started trying them on myself then on my son and it worked! I only use organic and natural ingredients and since then my son’s skin has improved. We no longer use steroid creams and his skin did a total turn around.


Love and desperation inspired me to take a leap and start formulating my own skin care products.

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